How Do QR Codes Functions work? Basics of QR Codes


How Do QR Codes Work? QR Code Technical Basics

Hi guys we
are from the neuron digital services team. Today we are discussing QR codes. Qr code seeing everywhere in the world, have you ever
wondered when and how it works?

Ok ladies and gentlemen let's get started


It is a QR code is a type of barcode. By scanning it, you
access the information contained in the QR code

In standard barcodes, information is encrypted in the width
of and distance between vertical lines. In QR codes, the information is contained
in the arrangement of squares. Either way, data transform into a
machine-readable format of visual elements. And upon scanning by an optical
scanning device, the data translates back to its original format 😀.

But some special things to make QR codes seeing everywhere.
The amount of data they can hold, how quickly they are read, and that virtually
all of our mobile devices can instantly scan them.


 A QR code is a scannable barcode encoded with data. Encoded
means converted into a particular form. In the case of QR codes, numeric and
alphanumeric characters, bytes, and kanji convert into a unique two-dimensional
arrangement of squares. When an optical scanner passes over those squares, it
translates their arrangement back into that data’s original form.

 Here’s an example. We create custom, QR code-based digital
restaurant table menus for hospitality businesses. That’s why we have a demo
digital menu to show interested parties. To showcase what we can do, we encoded
that demo menu’s URL into the QR code below.

How Do QR Codes Work? QR Code Technical Basics
In the QR code, the arrangement of the squares—or data
modules, as they’re called—is our URL. It’s just been translated from the
alphanumeric string of the URL into a collection of squares. That's how you go
from link to QR code. A QR code scanner will then translate it back to the
original URL.



The anatomy of a QR code is mostly relevant to anyone
thinking of creating a QR code. Be aware, though, of the QR code security risks
associated with free online services.


parts of a QR code

The most important parts of a QR code are: 

  • Data module. This is the standard unit of the QR code. It’s
    typically a black square set against a white background. Though the colors and
    contrast can be different, black-on-white is the most optimal when creating a
    custom QR code. The arrangement of these black squares, or data modules, is
    what makes up the majority of a QR code.

  •  Position marker. There are three position markers on every
    QR code. Consisting of an inner and outer eye, they allow scanners and cameras
    to quickly and accurately locate the data modules and the scanning direction.

  •  Quiet zone. This is the blank area on all sides of the data
    module matrix that contains all the data modules and position markers. It
    allows scanners and readers to optically place where the QR code begins and

 These aren't necessary to know if you're learning how to
make a QR code, but familiarity helps. Some choices made during QR code
creation can affect these QR code parts and the QR code's scan ability.

What Data Is Contained in a QR Code?

 There are three types of information that a QR code stores:
size, error correction level, and data type.


 A QR code can be made up of a maximum of 177 rows and 177
columns, which makes for a possible 31,329 data modules. Most QR codes aren’t
that big, though.

 The size of a QR code corresponds to its version. The
smallest a QR code can be is 21 rows by 21 columns, which is version 1. 25x25
is version 2, and on and on. The aforementioned largest QR code possible,
177x177, is version 40.

 It's also worth noting that QR code minimum size is usually
based on scan distance and not data size.

 Error Correction Levels:

 Encoded in a QR code is one of four QR code error correction
levels. The higher the correction level, the more damage a QR code can sustain
while still being scannable. It’s like a stored backup of the QR code. The
lower the correction level, the more space left for size and data.

 Data Type:

 QR codes can store up to 7,089 numeric characters or 2,953
alphanumeric characters. They can also store bytes and kanji, but those are
less frequently used. These numbers assume the lowest error correction level.

 In practice, this means QR code uses include anything that
uses numbers, letters, punctuation, and symbols to communicate. Business cards,
QR codes on tables in restaurants, authentication, checking into hotels,
logging into websites, contactless payments, digital wine lists, QR code food
uses, and more.

 For context, the amount of characters a standard
one-dimensional barcode can hold is around 20 to 100 characters. This ability
of QR codes to store such a large amount of information—and provide it
quickly—makes them much more useful tools than standard barcodes. In virtually
every industry.

 But the more characters you store in a QR code, the bigger,
more complicated the QR code has to be, right? Yes, and no. That’s the
difference between static QR codes and dynamic QR codes.


Technical Details of QR Codes

While learning how to scan a QR code is easy for you, the QR
code and scanner are doing a bit more work.

 The QR code scanner begins at the bottom right of the QR
code. It then moves up two data modules at a time until it hits the first
position marker. Then it moves two data modules to the left and goes down. It
repeats this right-to-left, up-then-down zig-zag process until every data
module is covered.

 Here’s a basic six-step outline of how the scanning process

  • Point your phone at a QR code.
  • The QR code scanner in your phone’s camera recognizes the
    three position markers in the QR code. With a sufficient quiet area, your
    scanner is now aware of where the edges of the QR code are 
  • The scanner begins at the bottom right, where it encounters
    the mode indicator. These four data modules indicate what data type (numeric,
    alphanumeric, byte, or kanji) the rest of the encoded data is.   
  • Next, the scanner encounters the character count indicator,
    which is the next 8 data modules up from the mode indicator. These indicate how
    many characters the total encoded data is.
  • Knowing the data type and character length, the scanner then
    continues its zig-zag path along the data modules until it retrieves all the
    encoded information and reaches the end indicator.


After reading the final character, the scanner proceeds
along its path to the error correction data modules. Within these encoded
modules are one of four levels of error correction. Or how much of the QR
code’s encoded data is backed up in case of code damage.

 This should help you visualize how a QR code works How QR codes work

In this article, we have tried to explain QR CODES and how it works clearly and understandably. Assuming that you have clearly understood the summary of all the points that we have presented in this short article, I will conclude this article. Thank you for reading this article. be with you all the way. Your Neuron digital services team


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